A rich prayerful lifestyle

Prayer is the pouring out of our hearts to God by revering him, repenting, and asking him out petitions. Most importantly, we also thank God for uncountable mercies and blessings he showers upon us.

Examples of Biblical People who prayed earnestly

1. What we learn from Daniel. Daniel 9

  1. Repentance of our sins
  2. Asking for our needs by God’s word.
  3. We pray for our loved ones, elders, congregation elders, community, and country.
  4. Forgiveness of machismo.
  5. Recalling promises
  6. Praying in the name of Jesus

2. What we learn from Hannah. 1 Samuel 1: 1 -20

  1. Fervent prayer and poured out her heart to Jehovah in verse 15
  2. She knew that Jehovah is the Owner of all good gifts, so she asked for a male son
  3. She made a vow in verse 11
  4. He was heartbroken in pain because his fellow wife provoked him vs 10
  5. Her friends mocked and provoked her profusely but she never surrendered. She maintained their faith in God.
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